Carpet is one of the noticeable features in your home when somebody enters your house. Therefore, you have to make sure that your carpet is always clean. However, carpet cleaning is one of those tasks that are left to experts, which can at times be challenging to get a right company to clean the carpet for you. Besides, you can clean your carpet like a professional. By going through this short editorial, you will be able to learn the process that an expert carpet cleaner follows.
You should start first by pre-vacuuming your carpet in order to get rid of all the grime and dirt in your carpet prior to wetting your carpet. From there, your carpet needs some warm extraction device and therefore you will require a pump up sprayer. In addition, you will require a clean push broom along with a little carpet spotter. It is also good if you will be having neutral cleaning detergent.
Once you are through with all the required components, blend the chemicals as illustrated into the pump up sprayer. Spray the carpet and in case, you find any spot try to get rid of it and do not let it to be too wet.
Take your clean push brush and use it to clean all your carpet, as you will make the cleaning process easier. You will be careful while cleaning your carpet than when you would have paid an expert to do the work for you. Once you are through, you can remove the carpet with the device. Perform two to five strokes while holding the water trigger down. After that, carry out the same numbers of dry strokes in order to suck the wetness out of the carpet.
Carry out this process to your entire carpet and when you come across the spot slow down as you pull out over it. In case it does not appear clean, then you should stop and get a brush and some spotter. Work on it smoothly and then pull out over it once more. You will realize that to some extent, not all the spots might be eliminated.
When you are through, know that you have cleaned your carpet like a professional. If you still have time, you can also scrape your carpet and will appear very attractive even when you will be walking on it. After about 12 hours, your carpet will be dry. If you do this job on your own you will do it nicely and effectively as compared to what a professional would do for you and again you will have saved your money.
To maintain your carpet do not scrape it carelessly and harshly, as you will make the stains to embed deeper into the fibers. Besides, you will weaken the fibers and make your carpet to wear out very fast. Most of the people might think of using a hair dryer to eliminate these dirt and grime but this will just seal the dirt permanently in the carpet.