Thorough cleaning of the carpet is crucial not only in keeping your home looking great but also to improve the overall health of the occupants. Note the carpets provide a perfect breeding environment for bacteria causing infections. That is why you need to clean them regularly and thoroughly to keep the occupants healthy. In addition, proper cleaning of the carpet can help in extending lifespan, and thus giving value for money. However, most homes owners don’t know that there are ways in which they can extend their carpet’s lifespan. In this article, we have rounded up carpet cleaning tips to preserve your carpet’s original condition for long. Check out these tips.
1. Lint Roller for cruds and Crumbs
Most of us just use vacuum cleaners to remove particles from the carpet. However, there are some stubborn particles such as crumbs and cruds that your common vacuum cleaner cannot remove. By leaving these particles behind would significantly accelerate the rate of wear and tear of the carpet. For you to deal with such conditions, you need to invest in a good lint roller. The cleaning tool will help you to collect such stubborn particles (cruds and crumbs) with minimal efforts and restore carpets original condition.
2. Squeegee for Pet Hair
If you have long haired pets at home, it will be very difficult to remove their hair effectively using the common vacuum. Note that when long hair gets entangle with the carpet fibers, it can be extremely difficult for the vacuum to collect it. Although we have mentioned that lint rollers can be quite useful for such instance, they may not work for the short-haired carpets. So if you have short haired carpet, you should consider getting yourself a squeegee. Although they are meant for cleaning windows, squeegees are great for dislodging stick particles such as pet hair on short haired carpets.
3. Avoid rubbing of Dirt but Blot
One of the mistakes that some homeowners make is trying to rub off the dirt. What they don’t realize is that they end up spreading the dirt or stain on the carpet. Consequently, the stain could be permanent on the carpet fabric leading to the destruction of the carpet’s original condition. To avoid such mistakes, make sure that you blot rather than rubbing. Apply pressure on that areas so that the liquid can be absorbed by the sponge. However, you must pay attention to the blotting direction to avoid spreading the stain on the carpet. Always try inward blotting from the outside to ensure that you are not aiding the
spread of the stain.
4. Iron Stain for Removal
After vacuuming the tough particles and dust from the carpet, stains are the next things you need to deal with thereafter. In some cases, these stains can be so stubborn and may become permanent if proper removal techniques are not used. Do you know that you can make stain removal quite easy by using an iron? Well, that is very true. However, you need to treat the stained spot with vinegar for the ironing technique to work. Vinegar is highly potent so mix it with water and apply it on the stained spot and leave it out for at least 5 minutes. Then place your towel on the stained spot and heat using the iron. Make sure that you are applying considerable pressure on the iron so that the heat will cause transfer of stain to the towel. It is that easy.
5. Baking Soda for Oil Stains
Oil stains are some of the most frustrating substances to deal with while doing carpet cleaning. They are extremely stubborn to remove and in some cases, even the commercial carpet may not offer the solution to remove them. However, you could be having an efficient solutions to carpet cleaning right at your home. Baking soda powder is an efficient substances when in carpet cleaning and more when dealing with oil stains. Just apply the baking soda on the stained spot and it will absorb the stain to form a sort of dust crust. Then you effectively vacuum the spot and the carper will be much brighter and the stain will be lighter. Repeat this process until the stain is over.
6. Ice Cube For Gums
The sticking of chewing gum on the carpet is that last thing you want to get entangled into. However, if you have kids in the house, that is something you may experience from time. Unfortunately, most of the homeowners end up using gum removal techniques that make things worse. However, an ice cube is one best homemade solution for gum removal. All you need is to gran the ice and rub it gently over the gum and the gum will freeze and harden making it easy for it to be removed. Once in that hard state, all you need is to scrap it off. It is that easy and your skin carpet will restore its original condition.
7. Use Homemade Carpet Cleaners
Buying commercial detergents may not be the ideal solution to carpet cleaning. Most of these products are ridden with chemicals that make it easy to clean your carpet but ends destroying the original condition of the same. Some of the commercial detergents end up bleaching the die on the carpet thus lowering its quality and appeal with time. That is why reliance on homemade cleaning products is highly recommended. You can design a shampoo that less acidic so that the die on the carpet is reserved. But you must get the formula right for making an ideal homemade shampoo. That is another that you can preserve the original condition of the carpet.
Bottom Line
Preserving the original condition of the carpet can be quite easy if proper cleaning techniques are used. With these are 7 carpet cleaning hacks, you will be able to preserve the original condition of your carpet for long. They are simple to apply and less costly contrary to what many people would have thought. So if you want to enjoy your carpet for longer, these are the key carpet cleaning tips that you must take into account.